±320 acres & ±272 acres: Irrigated Land
Parmer County, Texas
Irrigated parcels are increasingly hard to find at an affordable price per acre in the South Plains. This attractive offering would be a great addition for producers looking to expand operations or investors seeking an income producing asset with significant depreciable assets.
Veritas Real Estate Co is happy to be chosen as the exclusive broker to offer the "Lazbuddie Farm" (320 acres) and the "DD Farm" (272 acres). These two parcels lie within ~2. 5 miles from each other and serve well for cattle grazing and feeding, winter wheat production, sorghum for silage, milo, and cotton farming. Both parcels are offered separately, or together. A few key highlights:
2 Farms Total: ±592.1 deeded acres
4 center pivot irrigation systems
±420 acres under the pivot
2 circles (200 acres) have the potential to be certified organic
**Expand each category below for more detailed information**
Property Photos
(Click to Enlarge)
Location and Access
Overall Property Description
Improvements & Irrigation
Organic Potential
Minerals • Energy • Water Rights
Broker Remarks • Pricing
For Inquiries and Showing Requests, Contact:

Corey Zant
Broker / Owner
Lubbock, Texas
Email: corey@veritaslandco.com
Office: (806) 853- 7355
Cell: (806) 368-1295